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REA launches new transport decarbonisation event

The Association For Renewable Energy & Clean Technology (REA) has launched a new event entitled ‘Trucks, Trains, Boats and Planes: A roadmap towards transport decarbonisation’.

The event, for which Transport + Energy is acting as media partner, will feature panel discussions and fringe sessions exploring what needs to be done to reduce emissions from hard-to-reach areas of the transport system including road haulage, public transport, shipping and air travel.

Transport contributes over a quarter of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions – the highest of any individual sector and comparable to 1990 levels. By committing to ending the sale of new petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2030, the UK Government has set an ambitious pathway to reducing emissions from light road vehicles, but this is only one part of the picture.

The event is taking place at America Square, City of London on 14 July.

Why attend?

  • Discover how industry leaders are tackling the challenge of decarbonising transport
  • Understand the key opportunities and issues facing transport decarbonisation across land, sea, and air
  • Network with delegates from government, local government, airports, ports, hauliers, rail, finance, trade press and more
  • Explore topics ranging from reducing emissions from road freight and ships in port, to electrifying rail and advice on investment strategies in a series of fringe sessions.

The programme

Whether you are a seasoned transport professional, or have transport as part of your brief, this event is essential to understand the latest thinking in how to keep the UK moving as we reduce emissions from transport.

The event’s draft programme is as follows:

  • Introduction: Welcome
  • Keynote: Rising to the challenge of decarbonising the UK transport system
  • Panel 1: Can ‘levelling up’ succeed without transport decarbonisation?
  • Fringe 1: Preparing the grid for whole-system transport decarbonisation
  • Panel 2: Freeports: The key to cleaner, more efficient, better integrated international transport system, or trade at the expense of the environment?
  • Panel 3: Can Net Zero and aviation co-exist?
  • Fringe 2: Reducing emissions from road freight
  • Fringe 3: Electrifying hard-to-reach areas of UK rail
  • Fringe 4: How to enable marine decarbonisation
  • Fringe 5: SAF and design of the support scheme
  • Panel 4: Does the UK have the infrastructure to fully decarbonise our transport system?
  • Fringe 6: What are the barriers to unlocking investment?
  • Panel 5: Will hydrogen, bio-fuels or electric vehicles provide the answers for transport decarbonisation?


The event will feature the following speakers and panellists:

Jeevun Sandher, Economist, King’s College
Paul Preston, Commercial Manager, Reynolds Logistics
Leanna Lakes, Operations Director, Red Funnel
Bob Moran, Deputy Director Decarbonisation Strategy, Department for Transport (DfT)
Keith Budden, Head of Business Development, Cenex
Alec Peachey, Editorial Director, Transport + Energy
Amanda Lyne, Managing Director, ULEMco
Ian Waller, Founding Partner, In Perpetuum Partners

More speakers will be announced soon.

You can find out more information and register for the event here.

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